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以色列体育科技创新平台Colosseum Sport: ABSG新增的世界级体育科技创新平台合作伙伴

杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-14)篮球资讯118


ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团又增加一位世界级战略合作伙伴!与世界顶尖的体育科技创新集团Colosseum Sport共同宣布达成全方位合作,以促进全球体育产业的协作和整合。

Colosseum Sport是一家国际体育科技创新集团,总部位于特拉维夫,在纽约设有办事处。其目标是通过为体育行业提供颠覆性技术和创新能力,从而成为创造和拓展次世代体育体验的全球最大平台。面对体育产业即将到来的机遇与挑战并存的局面,Colosseum Sport将通过其世界领先体育科技创新项目、赛事及解决方案帮助体育产业塑造未来。Colosseum Sport正在通过聚焦科技创新推动体育产业的发展,并体验到科技带来的灵感、包容和创新。

ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团,创始人及其团队拥有近20年北美、中国及亚洲体育产业的成功经验,通过整合科技、资本、市场、人才、政府、学术、传媒、IP和战略伙伴联盟等方面的独特优势和资源,打造中国和全球顶尖的体育创新生态体系、全方位服务平台以及大影响力项目。最终实现 “让体育科创融合世界” 的愿景。

此前,ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团已经作为战略合作伙伴参与了由Colosseum Sport举办的【Sports Tech Nation 2020】全球峰会,同时集团创始人兼CEO杨瑞慷先生(Mike Yang)也作为中国区大使受邀参加了活动。在本次合作的初步阶段,双方将重点推进以下关键领域:

借助Colosseum Sport强大关系网络和与全球大量体育资产公司合作的经验,以及ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团在中国及全球体育产业的资源和市场机会,双方共同致力于推动体育科技创新在中国与全球市场的融合。Colosseum Sport和ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团将共同举办以中国市场为重心的,改变未来体育体验的世界体育盛会,包括体育科创峰会,体育科创演示会等,并通过积极广泛的参与相互支持。 作为Colosseum Sport在中国的首个也是唯一的战略合作伙伴,ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团将在促成其与国内体育公司的合作方面发挥关键作用,通过整合中国及全球的优势资源,提供优质全面的服务,内容和解决方案。Colosseum Sport和ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团携手将前者的体育创新项目、体育科技课程等学术资源引入到中国。Colosseum Sport一直致力于提供产业领军指导项目及初创加速器等。在ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团的推动下,Colosseum Sport可以探索与中国顶尖平台的合作机会,并扩大其培训课程范围。

Colosseum Sport总经理Timothee Deschamps表示:“我们很高兴可以与ABSG合作,共同推动以创新与科技促进体育产业发展的目标。多年来,ABSG集团已经建立了自己在体育科技创新领域的全球市场领先地位。我们期待着在中国开展更多有影响力的合作,为更多的行业从业者带来体育科技知识和全球市场机会。”

ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团创始人兼首席执行官杨瑞慷先生表示:“Colosseum Sport是全球最好的体育科技创新平台之一,在开创未来体育的领域中举办了非常多优质的体育科创盛会,以及拥有许多以色列的高新技术来源。ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团非常高兴能与Colosseum Sport达成全方位合作,我相信这次合作会促进中以两国之间体育科技创新的各类交流与合作,也会很好的增强瑞腾国际体育科技创新生态体系的各类资源与能力。”

ABSG瑞腾国际体育科技集团非常期待与Colosseum Sport的合作。请继续关注双方即将联合举行的全球活动和项目。

AquaBloom International Sports Technology Group (ABSG) and Colosseum Sport - a top-notch International Sports Innovation Group, has formed an all-round partnership to promote collaboration and integration of the global sports industry.

Colosseum is an International Sports Innovation Group, headquartered in Tel Aviv, with representation in New York City. Colosseum aims to become the worlds largest platform for creating and scaling the next generation of sports experiences by empowering the sports industry with disruptive technologies and innovation. While the sports world has to adapt to a new reality that brings as many challenges as opportunities, Colosseum helps shape its future through world-leading programs, events, and solutions at the intersection of sports and technology. By focusing on using innovation and new technologies, Colosseum is moving the sports industry forward so the experiences it brings remain inspiring, inclusive, and extraordinary.

With more than 20 years of successful track-records in the sports and sports innovation industry in North America, China, and Asia, ABSG has established unique advantages on Market Opportunities, Government Policies, Technologies, Capital Market, Academic, Talents, Media, Ips and alliance to continuously creating cutting-edge Sports technology Ecosystem and comprehensive Services Platform for China and for the World; in addition, to fulfill ABSG’s vision of “Unite the World with Sports and Innovation!”

ABSG had been invited as strategic partner to participated in 【Sports Tech Nation 2020】 on Dec 7th, 2020 which hosted by Colosseum Sport, and ABSGs Founder& CEO Mike Yang had been invited as a VIP Chinese ambassador to participated in the event as well. At the initial stage of this time collaboration, the two organizations will focus on the following key areas:

Empowered by the broader network and experience of Colosseum Sport collecting abundant global Sports assets enterprises and ABSG’s resources and market opportunities in China and in the global sports industry, both sides are dedicated to promoting the integration of the global and China market in sports innovation and technology. ABSG and Colosseum Sport are looking to co-host world-class Sports Tech Summits and Demo Events, and other Sports Events aiming to change the future sports experience with a focus on the China market and to support each other’s events via active participation.As the current first and only strategic partner of Colosseum Sport in China, ABSG will play a critical role in facilitating cooperation between Colosseum Sport and China Sports companies by providing high-quality and comprehensive service systems, contents, and solution package from both local and global resources. The Colosseum Sport and ABSG will be working together to bring the innovation hub programs, Sports Tech Courses of the Colosseum Sports academic resources to China. Colosseum Sport has been offering pilot programs & startups accelerators. With the facilitation of ABSG, Colosseum Sports can explore partnership opportunities with top platforms in China and expand its academic resources offerings.

Timothee Deschamps, Managing Director at Colosseum Sport, said: “We are thrilled to partner with ABSG to further advance our mutual goals of moving the China and global sports industry forward through innovation and technology adoption. Over the years, the ABSG Group has established itself as a global market leader in the sports innovation space, and we are looking forward to working together on impactful collaborations that will bring sports tech know-how and opportunities to more industry players, particularly in China.”

“Colosseum Sport is one of the world’s best Sports Innovation Platform, hosting numerous Sports Tech Events in its journey building the future of Sports, and has many Israeli high-tech sources. The ABSG Group is very glad to reach comprehensive collaboration with Colosseum Sport, I believe this collaboration will promote various exchanges and collaboration in sports technology and innovation between China and Israel,It will also enhance the various resources and capabilities of the ABSG International Sports Technology Innovation Ecosystem”, said Mr. Mike Yang, Founder and CEO of ABSG.

The ABSG is looking forward to working with the Colosseum Sport. Please stay tuned to upcoming joint-efforts events and initiatives.





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