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原创 香港国际学校-入学国际学校Debenture、Nomination Rights、Capital Levy

杏彩体育2年前 (2022-12-11)足球资讯143

原标题:香港国际学校-入学国际学校Debenture、Nomination Rights、Capital Levy

大部分国际学校都是由私人机构营运,没有任何政府资助。学校发行债券的目的是筹获资金,作为学校基建和发展之用。家长最为关心的,就是债券是否强制购买、价格多少;购买债券能否提升入学机会等问题,以下为大家一一解答。多数私立学校,包括国际学校和私立独立学校,都会发行不同类型的债券,如债券(Debenture)、「提名权」(Nomination Rights)和基本建设费(Capital Levy)。

Most international schools are run by private institutions without any government funding.The purpose of issuing bonds is to raise funds for the infrastructure and development of the school.Parents are most concerned about whether the bonds are compulsively purchased and the price;Whether the purchase of bonds can improve the enrollment opportunities and other questions are answered one by one.Most private schools,including international schools and private independent schools,issue different types of bonds,such as debenture,nomination rights and capital levy.

1、国际学校基本建设费基本建设费又称建校费,顾名思义此费用是作为校舍建设之用。基本建设费有两种,一种是一次性缴付的,另一种则是每年缴付的。例如英基(ESF)辖下的学校要求家长每年缴付一次性不可退款的基本建设费,Year 1的基本建设费是港币$38,000元,费用按年级递减。

Capital construction cost of international schools,also known as school construction cost,as the name suggests,is used for the construction of school buildings.There are two types of capital construction fees,one is paid in a lump sum,and the other is paid annually.For example,schools under ESF require parents to pay a one-time non refundable capital construction fee every year.The capital construction fee for Year 1 is HK$38000,and the fee decreases by grade.


The nomination right holder of the International School must be a parent;Each nomination right can only nominate one child.If you want to participate in the nomination right scheme,parents should pay a deposit at the interview.If your child fails to pass the interview,the deposit will be returned automatically;If the child is admitted by the school and accepted the degree,the parent must pay the balance.It should be noted that participation in the nomination right plan does not necessarily lead to admission.


The nomination rights and bonds of international school bonds are usually subdivided into two categories,namely corporate and individual.Personal bonds are applicable to a child in a family and cannot be purchased or transferred in advance.Corporate bonds are held by the company and can be used for employeeschildren.As one of the employee benefits,this bond is worth more than ten million yuan.The company can nominate more than one student to attend the school where the bond is issued each year.If the employee leaves the company,the company can transfer the bond to other employees at any time.返回搜狐,查看更多






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