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杏彩体育2年前 (2023-03-22)高尔夫球资讯270



rural乡村的,田园的 rur农村

contaminate污染,弄脏 tamin触

bracelet手镯 brace两臂








ideology意识形态,思想体系 logy体系





texture纹理,质地;结构;口感;肌理 text编织 ure状态


a brand new year 崭新的一年

turn over a new leaf翻开崭新的一页

get a new lease on life描述人生中的大转机(大病初愈后,改掉一个非常大的坏习惯,洗心革面)

a new dawn 全新的一天,全新的局面

break new ground 打开新局面、开创革新,常形容一些新的科技突破

new kid on the block初来乍到的新人

What else is new?通常带有讽刺语气,形容一个人惯有的老秉性;一件负面的事情又发生了

Scientists are breaking new ground with renewable energy.再生能源领域

The residential area is separate from the business district.商业区

Artisans use mulberry silk weaving skills to create various silks. Among them, craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade represents the highest achievement of the Han nationality brocade. The materials used for the Nanjing Yunjin Brocade are exquisite,mainly including threads of silk, gold or silver thread, even feathers from peacocks or other birds and beasts. With fine weaving, gorgeous patterns and riotous colors, the Najing Yunjin Brocade forms its unique style and gets the name "Yunjin"since it is as splendid and glorious as the clouds in the sky. The Nanjing Yunjin Brocade, together with the Shu brocade of Chengdu, the Song brocade of Suzhou, and the Zhuang brocade of Guangxi, is known as "the four famous brocades of China" and it has a history of almost 1600 years.


The Son of Heaven refers to the emperor or monarch, the supreme ruler of an empire or dynasty. People in ancient times believed that a monarch ruled the world by Heavens decree and with its mandate, hence he was called the Son of Heaven. This term asserted that a rulers authority was legitimate and sacred, as it was bestowed by Heaven, but to some extent, it also restricted the exercise of this power. This has some similarity to the Western concept of the divine right of kings by the grace of God, but there are fundamental differences. Tian (天), the Chinese word for Heaven, is not the same as the Western term "God." Rather, the Chinese term also implies the idea of interaction between Heaven and man, which means that the decree of Heaven also embodies popular will and popular support.


Humans and Nature respond to each other. This theory was put forward by Dong Zhongshu (179-104 BC), who had inherited his predecessors thinking and believed that things of similar nature could respond to each other. According to him, humans are a duplication of Nature, therefore they respond to each other. Changes of Nature will affect human beings and their activities. Human actions and words, as well as the order or disorder of human society are reflected in Nature by astronomical signs. If the ruler of a state has said or done something treacherous, calamity or unnatural phenomenon may occur to reflect this. Dong Zhongshu, with this theory as his basis, tried to persuade the ruler to govern virtuously by citing historical calamities or unnatural phenomena.


The term refers to the five Confucian classics: "The Book of Songs,""The Book of History," "The Book of Rites," "The Book of Changes," and "The Spring and Autumn Annals." In the pre-Qin period, the term "Six Classics" was used, referring to "The Book of Songs," "The Book of History," "The Book of Rites," "The Book of Music," "The Book of Changes," and "The Spring and Autumn Annals." "The Book of Music," did not exist in written form, hence people often used the term "Five Classics" during the Han Dynasty. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established the title of "Academician of the Five Classics," study of these works became the foundation of Chinese learning, culture, and thought. In terms of content, the Five Classics each has its own focus; for instance, "The Book of Songs" deals with aspirations, and "The Book of History" chronicles events. Different in focus but complementing each other, they form an integral collection of classics. Throughout history, Confucian scholars added significant meaning to these classics with their interpretations of the original texts. The Five Classics comprise traditional Chinese cultures fundamental understanding of world order and values, epitomizing the concept of Dao.






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